
Friday, September 2, 2011

Support the Right

I found that now days lot people do the mistake, it is selfish action. They never know that it will be the butterfly effect behind!! Before late, for myself, I need start on myself first. Clean for everything, including my mind. Then next, influence people, stop to do that!!

Personal trainer is a professional

I need to give a talk to those free lance trainer, ex-trainer, & club trainer. Because we need to stop the mistake and make a clean for our fitness industry. Don't be selfish, and pollute these industry.

To those free lance trainer, you suppose not to get your client from any commercial gym.
Honestly to tell that, even thought you are certified trainer, you can't selling your service in commercial gym, that is illegal. The target market for commercial gym only legally for club trainer.

Commercial gym spend lot money for advertisement to attract society people to join gym for achieving their health and fitness goal. And you now just coming to join as member, using the facilities, social as well, but next you keep stealing the member from behind for earning money and pocket money!! If you do charity, we don't mind so much, I'm don't mind too!! Hmm... may be you can promote yourself in Youtube, Facebook, etc, to promote your service!!

Please don't pollute the whole fitness industry in Malaysia. You know that most of the trainer in Malaysia's fitness center, they get sale commission and conducted session commission as their salary. And you do in free lance, you earn 100% from the personal training cost that your client purchase. Some more, you react knowing or don't know anything (we not sure), you offer the low price of personal training cost to your client. Did you respect the market price of personal training? Or you are selfish or kind? Did you respect personal trainer in Malaysia as the professional? You should survey more, know how other country's policy. You so relax, because Malaysia not so strict in fitness industry professionalism.

In big city Kuala Lumpur, the rule and policy is to protect the legal professional trainer. So, to consider a clean society, please stop your selfish!! Show your humanity, passion, propriety, etc

In addition, you may open your own gym/ studio, to get your client, to train your client. Do a legal business. That is a suggest for you. Because you should know that you can't train people in commercial gym, you have no permission for that.

(for this moment, that is what I want to say... furthermore, I will add on!!)

For those ex-trainer that previously work as trainer and now no more already or those shift to other gym/ fitness center, currently still trainer, but ex-trainer for previous gym/ fitness center.

I want to ask why you like to critic the club trainer?
Since you know that, critic other trainer is wrong/ mistake in fitness industry. If other trainer critic you, how you feel? If criticism keep continue, what happen to fitness industry?

Is it because that trainer not so pro yet?
Do not forget, everyone keep learning, no one is perfect, we all sharing and learn, keep improving!! If I not wrong, you still remember when you start step into fitness industry, where are you stand?? Please ask Lance Armstrong, is he pro enough?

Do you want to compare the trainer with you?
Previously you work for that particular gym/ fitness center. Now you come back, you critic them (trainer) for revenge? Is it no other way to advice them nicely? Is it need to make noise to the club member about that particular trainer? You are agree to what exactly you react to humanity? They just new, young, and fresh, how about you, you no longer active in fitness industry, is it no people can compare to you?

Fitness industry keep updating their fitness information, latest research and studies keep changing the fitness concept for health and fitness. Personal trainer keep improving the knowledge and upgrade their skill, make a world a fitter place!! (Fitness First slogan)

(for this moment, that is what I want to say... furthermore, I will add on!!)

How about club trainer, I know that your guys are competitor.
Why need to hurt each other, competition in the right way k!!
If you want to keep your client trust, show your ability in training, service, care, etc.

Just do it,
No criticism!! No Comparison!! If member/ client compare trainers, do not add on comment, be positive is right.

Provide world class fitness service!!

Ask FM for self-development in knowledge and skill.

Sharing among trainer in necessary, more to program design, effective training, etc is unnecessary. Don't angry to, if someone you ask not answer you!! Depend that trainer, show your respect!!

Respect trainer, helping each other, be honest!!

(for this moment, that is what I want to say... furthermore, I will add on!!)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Supplement & Nature Food

(All information from my study review and understanding, welcome you to comment and ask further question, it is good that to criticize my review, so that we know more better)

Am I need the supplement?
How to consider that I need the supplement to my body build up?
What kind of supplement that I need to take?

Supplement is the additional food that supply our body the nutrient. It is a processing product to mix all the ingredient to particular sufficient mechanism of our body need. Those nutrient actually can get from nature food. But, here have few questions;

Shall you know which of food can get those nutrients that you want to?
How much you need to take?
Easy for you to get the nature food from your closer market?

So, think this way, that's why the supplement will cost you quite amount of money. It is because that is instant for you.

Lot people worry that supplement have the side effect to our body. It is correct?
Now we only know that you will have side effect when you taking the drug, it is definitely!
For supplement, if you overdose, then it will become problem. Overdose make your physical change is not so serious, but if hurt your inner organ, you will suffering from health problem next or future!

Normally supplement have a guide on the label there, or else you may get the guide from nutritionist or doctor.
In addition, your personal trainer will just prescribe the nutrient to your body, no furthermore.

So, when you want to build up, tone up, muscle gain, maintaining, reduce weight/ fat, what supplement that you suppose to take?
When you step into supplement store, what you suppose to ask?

In the market, we have several brand, choose the trusted brand!
The function/option of supplement quite a lot, depend that brand too.
So, for common one, you may ask for weight gainer, whey protein, fat burner, etc.
Or else you may ask for energy booster, performance, strength, endurance, fast in recovery, etc.

How long I need to depend on supplement?
How about the nature food?
Will you able to invest your money all the time for supplement?

Decide yourself, for your money, sure supplement will cost you a lot.
For my opinion, if you can get your body and maintain it using nature food, why not?!!
Anyway, based on what I saw, it is consider your genetic, body mechanism, how fast you want to achieve, passion on workout, etc.

There is a way, when you get your body and that time you still using supplement to maintain your body, you may try to replace bit by bit with nature food.
So, make sure that you able to know:-

What kind of nature food I need to take for my body/ muscle?
How to control and maintain my body, based on my expectation to my body, performance, functional, etc? time to time? (let's say you want to go for competition for particular sport, it need performance, but when during summer, you want to have nice body shape)

Hmm... I guess that is what I want to share for today! ^^

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Workout Plan I: Strength Training I

Sometime have no idea to plan for your workout routine and muscle focusing??
Ask yourself how many day per week that you come to gym or spend time to do workout?!!

1st thing is that where are you want to do workout?
Lot of people have misunderstanding that workout must do at gym or fitness center!! It is negative >.<
If you have no time and money to come to fitness center!! your choice is... private gym?? Home?? Garden?? So, that means that everywhere can do workout... ^^ no reason and excuse k XD
If you can buy a pair of adjustable dumbbell will be better too ^^ 2 DBs, lot of workout can perform at home and everywhere!! Bring along to the place for workout!!

Now my topic is regarding workout in gym or fitness center ^^
How you plan for dairy workout and muscle focusing??

So, If you come 6 days per week, this is suitable for you

Chest + Abs -> Back + Triceps -> Abs + Leg -> Shoulder + Arms -> Chest + Biceps -> Back + Leg -> Rest
9-12 exercise, 3-5sets, 8-15reps, rest 30-60secs between set/exercise

Cardio exercise at morning, 1 hour is just nice ^^
That is only the idea for you, how you feel?? Can you make it?? Or disagree??
Another option for you is that if you can workout for 2-4 hours (not suggested), separate workout session, or more to compound workout (suggested)!!

How about 5 days per week??

Chest + Abs -> Back + Arms -> Shoulder + Leg -> Rest -> Chest + Abs -> Back + Leg -> Rest

Sometime you can just choose and focusing one part of muscle per day, but add abs and exercise in dairy routine!! It will just nice ^^ Abs and leg make it alternate day XD

How about 4 days per week??
It is suggested more to compound exercise because save time, train more muscle group, involve more joint movement and body muscle balance!! But, it will only use up lot of your energy, it mean that you need to have good energy level for that ^^

Chest + Triceps + Abs -> Back + Biceps + Leg -> Rest -> Chest + Shoulder + Abs -> Back + Arms -> Rest -> Rest

So, how about those people only can come for 3 days per week??
What you can do should more to total body workout!!
Muscle recovery 48 hours!!

However, what I can say is that the result will be less than those workout 4-6 days per week!!
Let's re-schedule your timetable, invest time to your body, fitness and health!!

Those people workout 1-2 days per week, those just focus to strength not other fitness component, focus to stamina but not for other, etc >.<
What I can advice is that, come on!! experience more in fitness, invest for your health and fitness goal ^^